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The Merchant of Venice Summary in Malayalam

The Merchant of Venice Summary in Malayalam: In this article, we will provide all students with a summary of The Merchant of Venice in Malayalam. Also, in this article, we will also provide The Merchant of Venice Summary in Malayalam for ease of students. Our only goal is to help students prepare for the upcoming exams. We have extracted a summary of all chapters of and have uploaded them in English and Malayalam for easy understanding and quick learning. If you have questions regarding the The Merchant of Venice Summary in Malayalam please let us know in the comments.

The Merchant of Venice Summary in Malayalam


The Merchant of Venice








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The Merchant of Venice Summary in Malayalam

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The Merchant of Venice Summary in English

Here we have uploaded the The Merchant of Venice Summary in English for students. This will help students to learn quickly in English and Malayalam language.

Venetian Basanio needs a loan of 3,000 ducks to marry a wealthy woman in Belmont to her lover Portia. He approaches his friend, a merchant named Antonio, but he has no money because he spends all his money on ships. So Antonio goes to Shylock, a Jewish moneylender, who hates him, because Antonio used to lend money to needy people without charging any interest. However, Shylock agrees to a short-term loan, but he makes it a condition - the loan must be repaid within three months, or Shylock will cut a pound of meat from Antonio. Antonio agrees, confident that his ships will return on time. Due to Portia's father's wishes, all suites must be selected from three boxes, one of which contains her portrait. Bassanio chooses the lead box containing her picture, and Portia happily agrees to marry him soon. Meanwhile, two of Antonio's ships were wrecked and Shylock was forced to retaliate.

Bassanio gets word of Antonio's plight, and he leaves Portia and returns to Venice. Portia follows him with her maid Nerisa. They are in the role of a male lawyer and his clerk. When Bassanio arrives, the repayment date for Shylock is over, and Shylock demands a pound of meat from him. Shylock does not agree, even though Bassani offers more than the refund. Portia arrives in his role to defend Antonio. Given the power of Duke's judgment, Portia decides that there will be a pound of flesh as long as Shylock does not shed a drop of blood. In the end, half of Shylock's wealth was given to Antonio and the other half to the state. Antonio came out and Shylock was insulted. Portia tells Bassanio that he came in the guise of a young councilor. Finally Antonio's ships arrived.

Class 8 English Chapters and Poems Summary in Malayalam

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Importance of The Merchant of Venice Summary in Malayalam

  • It helps students learn to determine essential ideas and consolidate important details that support them.
  • It enables students to focus on keywords and phrases of an assigned text that are worth noting and remembering.
  • It teaches students how to take a large selection of text and reduce it to the main points for more concise understanding.


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