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Rosa Parks Sat Still Summary in Malayalam & English Free Online

Rosa Parks Sat Still Summary in Malayalam PDF
Rosa Parks Sat Still Summary in Malayalam

Rosa Parks Sat Still Summary in Malayalam: In this article, we will provide all students with a summary of Rosa Parks Sat Still in Malayalam. Also, in this article, we will also provide Rosa Parks Sat Still Summary in Malayalam for ease of students. Our only goal is to help students prepare for the upcoming exams. We have extracted a summary of all chapters of and have uploaded them in English and Malayalam for easy understanding and quick learning. If you have questions regarding the Rosa Parks Sat Still Summary in Malayalam please let us know in the comments.

Rosa Parks Sat Still Summary in Malayalam


Rosa Parks Sat Still








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Rosa Parks Sat Still Summary in Malayalam

Students can check below the Rosa Parks Sat Still Summary in Malayalam. Students can bookmark this page for future preparation of exams.

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Rosa Parks Sat Still Summary in English

Here we have uploaded the Rosa Parks Sat Still Summary in English for students. This will help students to learn quickly in English and Malayalam language.

This is the story of a freedom fighter who fought against whites for the rights of blacks in America. Rosa Park was a working woman. One day after her work she was traveling in a bus. The bus was full of people. There were whites and blacks on the bus. In 1955, there was a law that if a seat on a bus became vacant, it would belong to whites. Blacks were not allowed to sit there. Rosa Parks protested against this law. When a white man approached her she did not get up and give him a seat. This angered the bus driver. He called police and police arrested Rosa Park. Then there was a revolution among blacks.

This culminated in the black freedom struggle in America. There were many people in court who argued for her rights. Thus whites realized that there should be no distinction between whites and blacks. The incident on the bus changed the minds of millions of Americans. This awareness was created in their minds by the famous Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi; The author thanks Gandhiji for his great ideas, without which blacks would not have achieved their rights.

Class 8 English Chapters and Poems Summary in Malayalam

FAQs About Rosa Parks Sat Still Summary in Malayalam

How to get Rosa Parks Sat Still in Malayalam Summary??

Students can get the Rosa Parks Sat Still Summary in Malayalam from our page.

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Importance of Rosa Parks Sat Still Summary in Malayalam

  • It helps students learn to determine essential ideas and consolidate important details that support them.
  • It enables students to focus on keywords and phrases of an assigned text that are worth noting and remembering.
  • It teaches students how to take a large selection of text and reduce it to the main points for more concise understanding.


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