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Keshini Mozhi Summary in Malayalam

Keshini Mozhi Summary in Malayalam: In this article, we will provide all students with a summary of Keshini Mozhi in Malayalam. Also, in this article, we will also provide Keshini Mozhi Summary in Malayalam for ease of students. Our only goal is to help students prepare for the upcoming exams. We have extracted a summary of all chapters of and have uploaded them in English and Malayalam for easy understanding and quick learning. If you have questions regarding the Keshini Mozhi Summary in Malayalam please let us know in the comments.

Keshini Mozhi Summary in Malayalam


Keshini Mozhi








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Keshini Mozhi Summary in Malayalam

Students can check below the Keshini Mozhi Summary in Malayalam. Students can bookmark this page for future preparation of exams.

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Keshini Mozhi Summary in English

Here we have uploaded the Keshini Mozhi Summary in English for students. This will help students to learn quickly in English and Malayalam language.

നളചരിà´¤ം ആട്à´Ÿà´•്à´•à´¥

It is known as the Shakuntalam of Kerala
Unnai Warrier's Nalacharitam Attakkatha. Kathakali
If Kerala has been made famous
It is the power of the pen of Unnayivarya.
There are many games. നളചരിà´¤ം ആട്à´Ÿà´•്à´•à´¥
There is no such thing. à´µ

52 to 79 in the Great Forest
Spread over 28 chapters
Nalopa Khyanam, the lying part of the story
Based on Unnayivaryar Attakkatha
By⁇. Significant from the original story
No changes were made.
Accurate as an epic
Make small adjustments
Done by History Four days
It was written as a match story. The first of these
Mr. Harshan's antidote in the story of the day
Unnayivaryar has hoped for poetry.

During his exile, he met the Pandavas
The sage Brihadasvara was able to comfort them
Nalada is a story to be told. V Story.
Call it the Epic.

(Prohibition History) Sanskrit,

Sriharshan wrote the poem. Is
Unnayivaryar accepted.

One of the reasons for this in this story
Popular belief spread. à´£്à´Ÿ്‌. Nalan, Damayanti,
The story of Bhoothuparnan and 2 Takan
It's good to hear that
Faith ”

Stone, jayangandhikam, kirmiravadham,

Kottayam: Kalakeyavadham and Baka Vadham
The stories are in the attakkatha‌. such as
Of the kings of Travancore
Incentives include bribery, euphoria,
Bakavadham, Gandharva Vijayam, Panchali

Swayamvaram, wedding accessories,

And hellfire became games
à´µിà´°à´šിതമാà´¯ിà´Ÿ്à´Ÿുà´£്à´Ÿ്‌. Great in match stories
The history itself.


The king of Vidarbha is a giant.
The childless king
Was sad. At the palace of Damana Maharshi
Come and fill your mind with hospitality‌
And blessed. King Win III
Had sons and a daughter, Daman, Nanthan,
They are Daman and Damayanti. Damayanti
In the case of attracting the gods
Grew up.

At this time:
As a son, Nalan grew up. à´¨ാരദമുà´¨ി à´°à´£്à´Ÿ്‌
Visiting the palaces‌ both
Said about. Flamingos are like this
Came to Nishad and Vidarbha
And morphology of both
The attributes also informed each other.
The two fell in love.

Swayamvara of Damayanthi. Indra, Varuna,
Yemen and the fire gods
Went out for a selfie. ദമയന്à´¤ിà´¯ുà´Ÿെ]
To them the gods of beauty
Nalan was sent to receive Damayanthi. ]
Nalan saw Damayanthi in the attic.
The desire of the gods was announced. He
Damayathi said that Nalan was coming. ;
For Swayamvara, the four gods are in good form
Stopped. Confused Damayanti is the real Nalan
à´•ാà´£ിà´š്à´šു തരാ à´¨ാà´¯ി à´¦േവന്à´®ാà´°ോà´Ÿ്‌]
When they prayed, they became free. നളനും ദമ |
Yanthi also got married.

Go back. Kali saw us.
Kali and The are coveting.
The water has run out and the dam
Kali when asked by the gods
Angry. നളദമ യന്à´¤ിà´®ാà´°െ
He vowed to be dismissed.
Nalan's brother Pushkar was sidelined
Nalan is out of the country for playing fake games
Expelled. Nalan and Damayanti go to the forest
gone. Damayanthi who saw Nalan's defeat
The sailor was brought from Vidarbha
Son and daughter to the palace

The wild goosebumps were exhausting.
Nalan Damayanthi, who is suffering from diarrhea
Her when exhausted
Take half of the dress‌
Went into the woods. Sleepy
When Damayanti worries about not seeing Nalan
The snake attacked. Rescued by a savage.
When the savage lusted after Damayanti, Damayanti
Cursing the savage without any other way

Wandering Nalan Wildfire
Nagaraja was saved. Karkodakan was bitten
Nalan became angry. Nalan's ugliness
Will be a blessing - said Nagaraja.
To adopt one's own form when needed - two‌
The divine garments were given to Nalan.

A trade group of Damayanthi in the forest
The rescue squad wasn't called for him. She is
It had become like madness. à´¤ാà´¨ാ
à´°ാà´£െà´¨്à´¨്‌ à´…à´±ിà´¯ിà´š്à´šിà´²്‌__

King of Vidarbha in search of Naladamayanthi
Sent many. Damayanthi, a Brahmin
Found and delivered to Vidarbha.

Nalan on the instructions of Damayanti
In search of a Brahmin in Ayodhya
Le Brahu at the palace of King Bhootuparna
Suspicion that Kanaya sailor is Nalan
Informed. à´š à´¹ം

Of the intelligent Damayanti Bhootuparna
He sent an angel to the palace. Of the oppressor
The angel came with the second gift.
Nalan only with less time
He was only able to reach Vidarbha.

The chronology we are studying is part four.
Damayanti left Keshinti
Observing Bahugan. Cashini Vida
Gdhayan. Go to Bahukan
Spoke. Bahukan Kali is standing up.
Damayanti's second self gift to him
The real Nalan was provoked.

Nalan is not angry with the women of the caste
He said there was nothing wrong. Then Casey
He hid and watched Bahukan. ]
Jutuparnan to prepare food
Cashini saw that the materials had been brought.
Jug full of water,]
The food was also sudden. This
Bahukan leaned on the chariot given to the king]
Standing. See the withered flowers in the chariot
Bahukan grabbed it and turned it over.
Immediately it blossomed. These two;
à´µിà´¦്യയും നളനുà´£്à´Ÿാà´¯ിà´°ുà´¨്à´¨ു.à´•േà´·ിà´¨ി à´ˆ]
The sight also informed Damayanti. Damayanti
à´¬ാà´¹ുà´•à´¨െ വച്à´šു. Angry Nalan

Class 12 Malayalam Chapters and Poems Summary in Malayalam

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Importance of Keshini Mozhi Summary in Malayalam

  • It helps students learn to determine essential ideas and consolidate important details that support them.
  • It enables students to focus on keywords and phrases of an assigned text that are worth noting and remembering.
  • It teaches students how to take a large selection of text and reduce it to the main points for more concise understanding.


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